Contacting Spirit Guides
Spirit Guides - Who They Are and How to Contact Them
About Spirit Guides
Spirit Guides are invisible beings of light who offer support, guidance, companionship and teaching to you throughout your life. Everyone has at least 1 or 2 constant Guides (others come and go as needed). These are Guides who were with you when you were born and will remain with you for your entire lifespan. They are old friends of your soul.
Our 3rd Dimension and Beyond
Many people are under the belief that our three-dimensional world is the "most real." This inspires awe or confusion at the thought of encountering "non-physical" beings, or beings of another world, planet, or dimension. We in the third dimension are simply very accustomed to the vibration of this plane - in reality, there are a huge spectrum of dimensions, and it can be lot of fun to learn about them.
Beings who exist primarily at a higher dimension, or frequency, are normally unseen to us. In order to be visible, they would either have to lower their vibration to a third-dimensional vibration, or we would have to increase our vibration to their level.
We can also contact them by expanding our awareness and learning to see "psychically," or with our "Inner Sight."
There are countless Beings of Light, and there are also energies and entities who might be considered "dark." It is my oppinion it is less productive to view the "dark" in the stereotypical "evil" sense we are accustomed to hearing of in the media, church, or anywhere else. The reason certain people, energies, or beings seem "dark" to us is because they are operating according to another reality. That's it! All energies and beings desire to learn and grow.
It is important, however, to ensure that you are dealing with beings of Love who have your best interest at heart. Read on to find out how to do this.
Contacting Spirit Guides
You may contact your Spirit Guides simply by invoking them. This lets them know that you want to communicate. You must be clear in your wording, however, to ensure you are contacting beings who have your best interest in mind. Invoking beings who are at a level of unconditional Love guarantees that the beings who come to you operate within the dimensions of pure Love. You may begin your invokation by saying, "In the name of Universal Love, I now invoke my Spirit Guides." You might also say, "I ask to speak with Guides who are resonating at a level of unconditional Love or higher."
You may also want to invoke:
* Your Higher Self (the part of you that is in the Heart of Love always)
* Any other healing being or beings to come and help you: Masters of any time or place, healing spirits of nature, your guiding ancestors, animal totems, and/or Spirit Guides, etc.
Make sure that all these beings are invoked in the name of Universal/Unconditional Love or higher.
This practice will ensure that the interaction will be for the ultimate good of all concerned.
Once you invoke your Guides, ask them to gather close around you. You may feel a tingling sensation. This is your Guide's "vibration," and it will always feel uplifting and peaceful. Once in this space with your Guides, you can ask them for blessings or advice. Meditate as you draw in their energies with your breath, and silence your mind and heart. Focus on your heart for the answers, rather than the mind. The heart, after all, is made up of 40% neuronal tissue! It is a mini-brain in itself. The Guides will usually speak through your heart center.
Always thank the beings and release them when you are done.
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